So won't the the real office manager please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?
After being the office manager at my hedge fund for the last year--which we will call The Happy Cappy Investment Team for the purposes of this blog--I finally took a vacation. I spent two weeks traveling around Europe, by which I mean I occasionally left Amsterdam for a few hours here and there.
A couple of days before I was set to return I got an email on my work-issued crackberry. It informed me of two things:
1) that my temp replacement would be staying on one more week
2) that my office was being turned into a men's bathroom
At the time I was in an Amsterdam coffee shop. I read the email, turned to the bartender and complimented him on the quality of his product.
The next morning I awoke and checked the 'berry. Apparently, I had read the email correctly. (Who saw that coming?)
First, a word on turning my den of privacy into a crapper. My office is located all of 20 feet from the men's bathroom. I have no idea why this company is going to initiate this expensive, lengthy, loud, filthy process to build another men's bathroom only spitting distance from the current one. But I promise you this, with Zeus as my witness, I will get to the bottom of this mystery and we will have a hearty, if forced, laugh as the end credits roll.
Second, I must admit I am somewhat fascinated to watch someone else do my job. Who wouldn't love to see how someone else would do their job? People should definitely add this to their list of "Things to Do Before I Die": #96. Watch someone else do my job.
It should make for a fucking delightful anthropological experiment, though I must confess I am a tad nervous. Boss of the Boss aka Stone Cold Killer--one of the villains you will come to know and hopefully despise as my story unfolds daily--hates me. When I heard there was going to be a temp to replace me during my vacation I kept hearing that little voice in the back of my head (the non-killing-spree voice) saying "there is no job waiting for you when you come back."
A day before I had left for Europe I met and trained my replacement. I soon discovered that while he can probably do an adequate job filling in for me, in no way is he qualified to replace me. At the time I thought a "boo-yah!" was called for, even though this is not a phrase I ever use in conversation.
Fast forward, 2+ weeks. When I learned that he was staying on another week that voice came back. So we will see how this week goes.
Let the great experiment begin.